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2023-06-13 动态



值此下一个十年开端之际 2023CHINAFIT北京体育健身大会移师首钢园 第十一届 CHINAFIT 北京体育健身大会全新升级 At the beginning of a new decade Relocated to Shougang Park The 11th CHINAFIT Beijing Sport & Fitess Convention 2023 is upgrading in all respects

首钢园,拥有百年首钢完整的工业遗存建筑风貌和丰富的文化底蕴。 2016 年 北京冬奥会申办成功,北京冬奥组委正式入驻。 2018 年 国家队冰上队伍入驻速滑、花滑、冰壶、冰球 ” 四块冰 ” 训练中心。 2019 年 首钢滑雪大跳台建成,成为京西热门 “打卡地”。 2021-2022 年,连续两届服贸会在首钢园成功举办。 借助北京冬奥会和两届服贸会之机,在 “绿色转型升级示范区、高端产业创新高地、体育创意 基地” 的总体定位下,首钢园将工业遗址打造为集运动健身、休闲娱乐、体育培训、赛事表演、 人工智能、数字创意、会展服务于一体的超大型城市综合体和融合的工业美学空间

Shougang Park features full industrial heritage in buildings with one hundred years and abundant cultural richness. In 2016, Beijing won the bid for the 2022 Winter Olympic Games. The Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee officially started working in Shougang Park. In 2018, National Ice Team including speed skating, figure skating, curling and ice hockey moved to the “Four Ice” training center. In 2019, the construction of Big Air Shougang was completed. It became the most instagrammable spot in the west of Beijing. From 2021 to 2022, CIFTIS was successfully held in Shougang Park twice in a row. Against the backdrop of the Beijing Winter Olympics and CIFTIS, Shougang Park’s overall definition is “the demonstration zone of green transformation and upgrading, high-end industrial innovation hub and creative sports base. Shougang Park will be built into a super urban complex and industrial aesthetics space with the integration of sports, fitness, recreation, entertainment, sports training, sports competitions and shows with artificial intelligence, digital creatives and exhibition services. Shougang Park has become the most instagrammable spot in the city of Beijing!

首钢会展中心,位于长安街西延长线的首钢园北区工业遗址公园片区内,是京西首个大型综合、花园式会展场馆,也是中国国际服务 贸易交易会主会场之一。 首钢会展中心工业遗存丰富,占地面积 20 万平方米,绿化面积达 12 万平方米,净展览面积 7 万平方米,拥有 12 座现代化展厅,包 括 2 座占地面积共 9000 平方米的室外开放式展厅被近 1 万平方米的绿地环绕,是京西风格独特的国际化城市公园属性的群落式会展 空间。 展商和参展参会观众,在沉浸式会展空间体验中,感受历史文化脉络。 这里,有透明的玻璃,新鲜的空气,湛蓝的天空和绿油油的青草,和随眼可见的打卡场景。